Urban Parenting Tips for Young Moms, Dads and Grandparents By Edye Deloch-Hughes

Posts tagged ‘ChicagoNow’

We’ve Moved. Check us out at Chicagonow.com!!!

Just in case you didn’t know, I accepted an invitation to write for ChicagoNow. I’m excited. Here is my new link: http://chicagonow.com/raising-hell-or-raise-them-well. If you would like to read previous posts, simply scroll down. BTW, don’t forget to  subscribe (or resubscribe)  and  “Like” my “Raising Hell or Raise Them Well” community page on Facebook.

Also visit my new blog, “Trending Over 40”  Trendingover40.com.  I explore social media, trends and how my over 40 and social-media challenged peers fit in. Any questions, write me at,  Trendingover40@gmail.com. Oh! please  “like” my Trending Over 40 Facebook page too!

